What is Anglicanism?
The name “Anglican” is traced back to the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of Europe. The tribal name was spelled “Engles” or “Angles” and the tribe’s speech was the precursor to the English language. Their island became known as England, and their Christians were known as Anglicans. The name has nothing to do with “angels.” Today, Anglicanism refers to the Anglican Church as part of the global and historic church. For us, Anglicanism represents one of the finest expressions of Christian prayer and worship—a connection to believers past and present, a commitment to the authority of the Bible, and the call to proclaim the gospel and serve others within a variety of worship styles and ministries.
When did Anglican Christianity begin?
Christianity—the fullness of the good news about Jesus Christ— goes as far back as the 1st or 2nd century to what would eventually be called Anglia (England). Legend holds that Joseph of Arimathea was among the first of evangelists. The early Christian mission in the British Isles was an encounter with pagan tribes and societies. But Anglican Christian communities continued to grow, and three bishops attended the Council of Arles in 314. After the Roman legions departed Britain in the early 5th century, the native British Church developed in isolation from Rome, under the influence of Celtic missionaries centered around monasteries. In 597, Pope Gregory sent a monk named Augustine to England to establish a Roman Catholic mission, with authority to develop liturgy and other practices especially for the English-speaking people. Augustine was consecrated bishop and established his headquarters at Canterbury. Since then, there has been an unbroken succession of archbishops of Canterbury.
What is the Anglican Communion?
The Anglican Communion grew out of the missionary expansion of the Church of England over the past 500 years. It consists of 38 self-governing provinces around the world, in 165 countries, forming the third largest body of Christians in the world, behind the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
How is the ACNA affiliated with Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa?
The Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa is affiliated with the Diocese of the Living Word, under the leadership of Bishop Julian Dobbs and Assisting Bishop William Love. The Diocese of the Living Word is affiliated with the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). The Rector (ordained priest and pastor of the parish) is The Venerable Carl Eyberg. Currently there are two Deacons, (ordained assistants) The Reverends Shane Taylor and Don deWolfe. The Vestry, the ruling board of the church, is made up of 10 members who serve for elected terms.
Where can I read more about the basics of Anglican theology?
The founding theology of the Anglican Church can be found in the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, a document which is in line with the Protestant Reformation and with the ancient Creeds of the Church. The Creeds (Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian) and Thirty-Nine Articles are printed in the Book of Common Prayer, or the listed website links.