Children are encouraged to participate in the worship of our services. Worship is one of the basic ways to learn what it means to be a Christian. Children increase their understanding of Christian worship by joining the congregation Sunday after Sunday. They learn they belong to Christ and are welcome in his Church. They learn to know the Lord’s Prayer and other parts of the liturgy from memory. They hear stories from the Bible read and interpreted and become a part of Christian Worship with the whole church family. They discover that they are valued as persons by God and by the people of God at Church.
We have special Kid Kits that change throughout the year that are designed for children to use in service. These kits help to connect children to the liturgical calendar, bible lessons, and Anglican Traditions as we worship together
At the Eucharist children who have been baptized are welcome to join in communion with their parent's guidance. This can be done by intinction, in which the chalice bearer will take the bread, dip it in the wine, and place it on the lips to be consumed, or by eating the bread and letting the wine touch their lips. For those children who have not been baptized, a blessing from the priest may be received. The desire to receive a blessing is indicated by children simply crossing their arms in front of them with hands placed on their shoulders or by parental request. Each week it awakens joy in the congregation to see so many ages of the church family coming to the Lord’s table to share in this beautiful sacrament together.
If you are interested in having your child baptized you are welcome to visit with our rector to discuss this beautiful Holy Sacrament. Children can be baptized at any age.

The Children’s Ministry works to build faith foundations for all children ages 0-12.
Nursery and Preschool: (Ages 0-4)
This ministry focuses on children four and under. Each Sunday our nursery is open for the youngest members of our Parish during the Eucharist service. Preschool Christian Education is during the Christian Education hour. These classes are designed for young children to connect with the scripture stories and simple foundations of the Anglican tradition. Children are loved and cared for each Sunday through these two areas of ministry. Parents are welcome to take their children to worship with them during the Eucharist portion of the service to receive communion or a blessing.
Foundation Beginnings (Ages 5-10)
This area of Children’s ministry is designed for children ages five to ten. These classes are held during the Christian Education hour. These classes focus study on the key foundational stories of the Old Testament and Jesus’s life and ministry. These classes are also designed to help children learn the essential foundations of the Christian faith in the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, Psalm study, The Beatitudes, and the Creeds. Lessons will also focus throughout the year in the Anglican traditions connected with the Liturgical Calendar and Holy Feast Days.
Foundations of Catechism (ages 10-13)
This area of children’s ministry focuses on students ages ten to thirteen. This class is designed to enrich older students with a more in-depth study of the Foundations of the Anglican Catechism. Students explore, discuss, and complete activities designed around the Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, the Creeds, and the key truths of the Christian faith. Students will explore the meanings behind our Anglican traditions and symbolism while walking through the Liturgical Calendar and Holy Feast days. These students will also start to attend some of the events with the youth group.
All workers and volunteers are trained by our staff members. Each adult in this ministry attends Children’s safety training and must pass a background check.

Throughout the year our children participate in various activities with the wider Parish family.
Chili-Cook off- Children help to collect votes and participate in this fun event.
Parish Movie Night- Children come in PJs to enjoy a silly movie with tasty treats.
Children’s Stations of the Cross- During Lent the children of our church help to lead Stations of the Cross.
Palm Sunday Celebration- Children participate in an Easter Egg hunt and Scavenger Hunt for the older ages.
Baby Shower for Life- Children help to share in a collection for Hope Pregnancy center and participate in a program that shares the amazing creation God made in us.
Pentecost Picnic- Children join our Parish family in an amazing Picnic with games and snow cones.
Family Fun Day- Youth and Children gather for a fun day at our Parish grounds with games and food.
Parish Bonfire- Our whole Parish gathers for a great night of food, fun, and Compline.
Advent- Children get the special privilege to bring figures into worship for our Parish Nativity each week in Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.