Our Parish is committed to Life in our prayers and actions.
We support Anglicans for Life, a ministry that provides educational and pastoral resources to churches in the Anglican Communion, to help them bear witness to the sanctity of life.
Every Sunday we pray for the world to honor the inherent value of all life in the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly. We thank God for the creation of life, and his design to bring it to an end in his time.
The first Sunday of May is “Cupcakes for Life”, recognizing that “Every baby deserves a birthday.” Throughout the month we collect baby items for the Hope Pregnancy Center in Tulsa.
In the Fall, during the “40 days for Life”, we pray with other Christians for God’s power to work in our lives, in our community, and in our world to save the lives of those yet born. We collect funds to support Anglicans for Life, and local pregnancy centers.
Our Parish values those that have served and currently serve our country through the armed forces.
We support Blue Star Mothers, formed during World War II of mothers who volunteered service supporting our military. This ministry is a great blessing to those inside and outside our Parish.
The Sunday after Veterans’ Day, we honor all our Parish members who have served in the armed forces. We thank them for their service and offer prayers for all those who have served and are serving.
Throughout November, we collect items for Blue Star Mothers, to be given to those currently deployed.
During this time, we also write Christmas Cards to go in care packages.
Our Youth Ministry and Parish Veterans serve together to help pack boxes at the Blue Star Mothers Tulsa chapter.
Our parish partners with local ministries which serve the needs of those who are hungry, homeless, and at-risk.
We support John 3:16 Mission, an interdenominational Christian ministry founded in 1952 to meet people’s immediate needs for food, shelter and compassionate care, and to introduce the at-risk population of the Tulsa community to the life-transforming good news of Jesus Christ.
We serve dinner at John 3:16 Mission on Super Bowl Sunday. This ministry is an opportunity many look forward to each year to show the love of Christ to those in great need.
Parish members of all ages help prepare items and food to be served at the Mission.
Our adults and older teens then go to the Mission Center to serve the dinner.
While at the Mission, we also sing songs and share the love of God with the dinner guests.
Our parish is also committed to doing the work Christ has called us to do outside our community and country, partnering with Anglicans around the world to meet people’s needs and spread the Gospel of Christ.
We have worked with churches in Nigeria to:
Help with women’s ministries programs for widows to earn money for their families.
Support the children of its community with school facilities, furnishings, and playground equipment.
We also work alongside our diocese to support the Living Word Mission of Haiti to:
Help the Bishop to oversee nine congregations meeting throughout Haiti.
Support the clergy of the churches in Haiti, to lead the people to a meaningful relationship with Christ.